Trader Portal User Interface
Application User Manual
  • 1. Introduction

1. Introduction


1.1 Purpose

This manual aims at providing the following information to the Trader Portal users:
  • guidelines to better understand the key features of the user interface;
  • instructions to help the user in its interactions with the system.

1.2 Scope

The manual covers the functionalities and features provided by the Trader Portal User Interface. It includes the general structure of the interface, generic features and the navigation between the pages of the interface.
In addition, detailed instructions are provided to lodge an Application, to read a notification and to reply to Customs Authorities’ requests. These instructions clearly explain how a user can achieve the different actions available in the user interface in order to fulfil the main business scenarios (e.g. lodging an Application, amending an Authorisation, etc.). More details are available in Section 5. Main business features.
It is important to note that the Trader Portal User Interface is foreseen to be used for the interactions with several EU IT applications and is therefore structured with business modules for each of these IT applications.

1.3 Abbreviations and Acronyms

For a better understanding of the present manual, the following table provides a list of the principal abbreviations and acronyms used:
Abbreviation/Acronym Definition
CCN2 Common Communication Network Version 2
CDCO Centrally Deployed Centrally Operated
Customs Decision Management System
Customs Decision System
Customs Officer User Interface
Delegated Acts
Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union
Decision Taking Customs Authority
EORI Economic Operator Registration and Identification
European Union
Frequently Asked Questions
Guarantee Management
Implementing Acts
Information Technology
Not Applicable
TP Trader Portal
Trader Portal User Interface
Union Customs Code
Uniform User Management & Digital Signature
The following list provides the acronyms for the different Customs Decisions Types:
Abbreviation/Acronym Definition
ACE Authorised Consignee for Community Transit
ACP Authorised Issuer
ACR Authorised Consignor for Community Transit
ACT Authorised Consignee TIR
AWB Authorised Weigher of Bananas
CCL Centralised Clearance
CGU Comprehensive Guarantee
CVA Simplifications for Customs Valuation
CW Customs Warehousing
CW1 Customs Warehousing of goods in a public customs warehouse type I
CW2 Customs Warehousing of goods in a public customs warehouse type II
CWP Customs Warehousing of goods in a private customs warehouse
DPO Deferment of Payment
EIR or EIDR Entry in Declarants Records
ETD Electronic Transport Document
EUS End Use
IP or IPO Inward Processing
OP or OPO Outward Processing
RSS Regular Shipping Service
SDE Simplified Declaration
SSE Use of Seals of Special Type
TEA Temporary Admission
TRD Transit Declaration with a Reduced Data Set
TST Temporary Storage

1.4 Definitions

The following table gathers some definitions needed to better understand the user manual:
Term Definition
Action pages
All pages allowing a user to fill a form in order to submit a message to the DTCA.
In the context of this manual, the term actor is used to mention a trader, a representative or a mandate.
From a general point of view, it consists in any entity identified by an EORI Number.
CDCO CDMS IT application
The CDMS IT application, managed by the EU Commission.
The Customs Officer User Interface is the name of the user interface of the CDMS application.