(c) European Commission, Taxation and Customs Union
5.1 Creation of an Application
Users with the “Administrative” or “Submission” role have the ability to lodge an Application for a customs decision. Each new Application is to be submitted to a Customs Authority selected by the user.
It is worth noting that only the user with the “Submission” role has the ability to effectively submit an Application to a Customs Authority.
The functionality is available via the Menu > Applications > New Application.
New Application link
Regardless of the type of the customs decision, the creation of the Application always follows the same pattern:
Customs Decision Type selection: this provides the type of the Customs Decision and the Decision Taking Customs Authority to which the Application must be submitted;
Customs Decision Type selection page
Applicant Information: this tab provides the Trader information (partially prefilled).
When the user is logged in without delegation or with the 1st level of delegation as an employee of an Economic Operator, the "Applicant Name and Address" and the "Applicant EORI Number" will be pre-filled with the data of the Applicant retrieved (from the login data). The representative fields remain empty.
When the user is logged in with 1st level of delegation as a customs representative, or with 2nd level of delegation as an employee of a customs representative, the "Applicant Name and Address" and the "Applicant EORI Number" will be pre-filled with the data of the Applicant, and the "Representative Name and Address" and "Representative EORI number" will be pre-filled with the data of the representative (retrieved from the login data).
Create Application - Applicant Information page
General Information: this tab provides the main Application information which is not related to the type of the decision like the publication agreement, the intended geographical validity, attachments etc…
The name and address from the DTCA are automatically pre-filled based on the DTCA chosen in the "Customs Decision Type Selection Page".
Note: if the user changes the Customs Authority Reference Number from the DTCA, the name and address will be automatically updated.
Create Application - General Information page
Specific Information: this tab provides the Application information specific to the type of decision.
Create Application - Specific Information page
While filling the form in, the user can save the current progress at any time as a draft. The draft can be loaded via the "Draft List" for finalisation or submission at a later point in time.