(c) European Commission, Taxation and Customs Union
5.2 Upload of an Existing Application
In addition to the classical creation of Applications, a user with the “Administrative” or “Submission” role has also the ability to upload an existing Application in XML format.
The aim is to automatically prefill the Application general information and the Application specific information. The user can then check and update any field (if needed).
Application download: The XML file of an existing Application can be downloaded to the user local drive. This can be achieved from the "Application List Page":
Access the list of Applications: Menu > Applications > Applications list;
For any displayed Application: select the action “Download Application”.
"Download Application" button on the Applications List Page
Application upload: Once downloaded, the XML file can be uploaded as follows:
The "New Application" page must be filled in following the downloaded Application (same Member State, Customs Decision Type and Decision Taking Customs Authority);
On the "Application Content Creation Page", select the "Upload Application" button and choose the appropriate XML file.
"Upload Application" button on the Application Content Creation Page
The XML file is now uploaded and if some updates are needed, this can be done at the UI level.