Trader Portal User Interface
Application User Manual

5.8 Managing Functional Errors

As mentioned in section 3.4 Generic User Interface Behaviours, the EU Portal is performing several types of validations:
  1. Syntactic validation;
  2. Business / semantic validation (performed upon submission of a form, once the syntactic validation is successful);
  3. General system validation errors.

5.8.1 Functional error on a Trader request

If an error occurs when a user submits a request on an Application or an Authorisation, the initiated process is directly aborted.
In case of synchronous validation errors when lodging an Application (points 1 and 2 above), the user can correct the errors directly in the form.
In case of asynchronous validation errors when lodging an Application (point 3 above), the user will receive an "Error Notification" and he / she can use the "Duplicate Application" functionality to create a copy of the initial Application, correct any data if required, and re-submit.
In case of asynchronous validation errors for any other action intended to start a process (point 3 above), the user will receive an "Error Notification" and he / she should re-initiate the action (paying attention to correct the errors).

5.8.2 Functional error on an answer to a request from the DTCA

If an error occurs when a Trader submits an answer to a request received from the DTCA, a "Validation Error Notification" indicating that the initial submission is erroneous. The status of the submission is set to “Error”.
The trader must submit a new answer to the request which is again available in the list of unanswered request from the CDMS Dashboard, which is accessible with the following link:
  • Dashboard > Requests from DTCA.