Trader Portal User Interface
Application User Manual

6.1 General Business Information

You can find here below the link to the Customs Decisions Homepage of the European Commission website:
This website contains a link to the Business User Guide and to other useful documentations. The business user guide aims at guiding the users in the day-to-day work with a presentation of all business processes that can be executed in the Trader Portal (TP) and the Customs Decisions Management System (CDMS).
It also contains FAQs with some questions like:
  • How will the Customs Decisions System work in practice?

  • Where will the Customs Decision be valid?

  • Where to apply?

  • How are other Member States involved?

  • Which types of Applications or Authorisations are managed in CDS ?

  • How can I access the system?

You can also find here below the link to the Customs & Tax EU Learning Portal:
This website contains a link to an e-Learning module that is one of the courses from an extensive UCC EU eLearning programme.